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Parafinas Quintanar Quality Policy

Innovation and continuous improvement tailored for our clients.

This Quality Policy establishes the general guidelines that the management of Parafinas Quintanar promotes to maintain the highest quality standards throughout the process of our activity.

To this end, it is essential to involve all company personnel to ensure that the production process and the final product meet internal and external expectations. Parafinas Quintanar Quality Policy revolves around 4 fundamental axes: Development, Innovation, Continuous Improvement and Future Projection.

These fundamental axes allow us to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the quality and competitiveness of the demanded products, the fulfillment of the acquired commitments and the generation of new products that can meet the demand in new fields or adapt to the already existing ones. existing but changing, to diversify the offer, thus ensuring the future of the company.

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Criteria for the evaluation and selection of suppliers

Companies that wish to be included as regular suppliers of Parafinas Quintanar must pass an approval process for each range of products or services they provide. The supplier company must have met at least one of the following conditions:

  • When an already approved supplier wishes to supply goods or services of a different nature from those already supplied, they must go through a new approval process.
  • ISO 9001 Certificate::
    ISO 9001 certificate in force. The company must be in possession of a certificate of these characteristics issued by an accredited certification body for this.
  • Pilot Orders:
    A pilot order is considered to be one of a standard nature that is exceeded without any incident. All vendors will need to successfully pass two of these orders to be part of our vendor list.
  • Single Provider:
    The purchase of raw materials from a single supplier is only allowed when there are no third parties that provide the same products or services.
  • Market References:
    Suppliers must be leading commercial firms in the market that prove to be reliable in terms of capacity and quality.

ISO 9001:2015

Quality management. 

The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for an organization that can help it improve its overall performance and provide a solid foundation for sustainable development initiatives.

The quality management system requirements specified in this International Standard are complementary to the requirements for products and services.

Permanent compliance with requirements and constant consideration of future needs and expectations represents a challenge for organizations in an increasingly dynamic and complex environment.


The PDCA cycle enables an organization to ensure that its processes are properly resourced and managed, and that opportunities for improvement are identified and acted upon.

  • Plan:
    Establish the objectives of the system and its processes, the resources necessary to generate and deliver results in accordance with customer requirements and organizational policies, and identify and address risks and opportunities;
  • Do:
    implement what was planned;
  • Check:
    Monitoring and (where applicable) measuring processes and resulting products and services against policies, objectives, requirements and planned activities, and reporting the results;
  • Act:
    Take actions to improve performance, when necessary.
Co2 Verifed Iso 14064-1 - ControlUnion Certifications

ISO 14064-1

Carbon footprint verification

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues society faces today. In order to limit the temperature rise to 2 degrees, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be reduced. The call on companies to contribute to this goal by monitoring and reducing their emissions is increasing. Control Union can support your organisation in doing your part as your ISO 14065 accredited validation and verification body (VVB).

ISO 14064-1 is the base guideline for compiling a corporate GHG inventory, or, in other words, calculating the corporate carbon footprint.

  • Scope 1: Direct emissions – Emissions directly caused by sources owned or controlled by your company;
  • Scope 2: Indirect emissions – Emissions from purchased electricity, steam and heating/cooling for your operations;




(EN 13432)

Composting can reduce the volume of organic waste quite significantly, while the compost produced can be used for agricultural and horticultural purposes. About 50% of all domestic waste comprises organic material, a percentage that is set to grow in the future owing to the growing popularity of biodegradable products (packaging material, disposable cutlery and plates, …).

Packaging or products featuring the OK compost INDUSTRIAL label are guaranteed as biodegradable in an industrial composting plant. This applies to all components, inks and additives. The sole reference point for the certification programme is the harmonised EN 13432: 2000 standard: in any event any product featuring the OK compost INDUSTRIAL logo complies with the requirements of the EU Packaging Directive ( 94/62/EEC).


C/ San Fernando, 83
Quintanar de la Orden
45800 - Toledo, Spain
+34 925 182 184
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Monday to thursday
Morning 09:00 to 13:00
Evening 15:00 to 18:30
Morning 09:00 to 13:00

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